
Tuesday 27 March 2012

The Mitch + Bree Visit

The Friday finally arrived when it was time for Nate to head to the airport to collect our dear friends Mitch and Bree from the Low Cost Carrier Terminal. The Malaysian F1 Grand Prix was the focus of the trip -Mitch is a bit of a petrol head! I love that Bree got on board and came over for the weekend too. Nothing like a spot of shopping and solid girl time chucked in for good measure!

I thought I could shop. I mean come on, its a family trait. No-one can shop like the Bird girls (I use our maiden names, as since we have been married, that addiction seems to have been curbed by the men we are married to!) or the Rougier, Orton, Dowse (basically the women on my mothers side).

This weekend, I was totally schooled by Bree. That girl can solider on! We spent hours and hours in 10 storey shopping plazas. Just when I thought she was done, her magpie eyes laid onto another store, followed by another and another and another! Cheryl, you have raise one hardcore shopper!

and she has not even got close to anywhere near finished!
It was great to hang out and spend time together, I saw sights of KL I never knew were there. Bree is a local, and knows all the cheaper shopping malls. She was paying $15 for shoes and $10 for tops - incredible. I will admit I am a little bit of a snob and thought the malls were the only place for me, but I have been converted to shopping in big warehouse type malls, under white bright fluorescent lights, where you cant try anything on and one size fits all - you have to literally dig to find anything worthwhile! But when you do - gosh it is so worth it!

Getting a pedicure to break up the shopping

All in all, it was great to have them both here. Although it was a whirlwind of a trip with a very hairy airport run to finish it off!

1 comment:

  1. So I don't exist???? and considering part of my mothers job description was actually shopping for clothes, i most certainly learnt from the bestxxxxenjoy the shopping and love alwaysxxxx
