
Tuesday 6 March 2012

The Balloon Party

Mollie and Annabelle had their birthday party on the Sunday that has just been. After spending most of Saturday evening helping Liz and Dougal with the prep, I have a new found respect for the amount of effort that goes into party planning! You would think that because the little ones are more than likely to never remember all the details of their 4th and 2nd birthday parties it would be a relaxed affair! Oh how wrong I was!

There are invites to make and send out, last minute rsvp's/arrivals, cakes to bake, party food to buy, rooms to decorate, party bags to assemble, adults to entertain and feed, kids to entertain and feed, the cleanup, the noise you have to tolerate, the sugar-overload melt downs to manage... all on minimal sleep because you were up until 3am icing cakes and your kids decided to wake up at 5am due to excitement of the day ahead and the worst of it - no pause button in sight. 

Just makes me treasure these moments of just Nate and I. 

All in all, the morning when smoothly and the girls loved it. I did start secretly writing lists of ideas for when its my turn. Lets hope we still live in Asia where labour is cheap and the maids can do all the unpleasantries! 

1 comment:

  1. Ruth , you make me smile :-)...the moments are very cherish-able when they are your own children and it FLIES so quickly!!! Next thing you know it is a wedding being planned. Love M XXOO
