
Tuesday 28 February 2012

What social life?

University is killing me softly. Hang on, let me clarify, online/distance learning is killing me softly. 

Looking back at my Uni days in South Africa - it was a dream. No responsibility, my parents paid, I missed half the lectures, had great friends who collected notes for me, helped me study for tests/exams, had wonderfully dorky people to copy tuts and assignments from and generally just lazily buzzed along with not much stress. 51% was 1% too much effort in my book. *sigh* that was the life! 

This time around, WOW. First up, I am paying... well my husband is paying. He is super smart, super diligent so I need to make sure I do the man justice... cant have him thinking he married a dummy! And well to be honest, I care a whole lot more - I want to do well! 

For the last week, I have been getting up at 8am (so early!), and spending the day on my laptop, comment on forums, logging into online tuts, listening to lectures, going through powerpoints, participating in classroom Wimba sessions, reading reading reading, writing pages of notes. My social life has taken a turn for the worst! Tonight we went over to Liz and Dougals, its Mollies birthday today and it was Annabelle's last week, so we went over to drop off presents... the girls did not recognise me thats how much of a NERD I have been! Liz said that its interfering with her social life too! AND, my blog is suffering because I have nothing exciting to report! 

I find online/distance learning even worse, NO spoon feeding! I have to work out my own schedule, my own study times, no nice little handout of when lectures and tuts are for the units! I mean come on, I come from a history of spoon feeding, I am part of the spoon fed generation! Now all the info is lumped on some StudyDesk thing and I need to find it for myself, sort it for myself and make sure I am keeping up. Its not ideal. Let me tell you, there are some HECTICLY nerdy people out there! Its only week 2 and I noticed some tit has asked for extra readings coz they done with the extra extra readings. WHAT THE? 

Great news - I got a placement at Alice Smith School! BOOM. So happy. As of next Monday I will be at school I think 4 days a week as a teachers assistant in the Geography classroom for yrs 7- 12. Radical. When I am meant to do my studying I have cooking clue. It will all work out. 

In other news, the weather has been rainy lately, more so than usual. It usually rains everyday but during the last week the rain has been for longer and usually involved lightening. There is something cosy about being indoors when the rain is pelting against the window. Almost makes me want to rug up, until I go outside into the 32 degree sticky air. 

Snapped this moody sky from the balcony yesterday

Monday 27 February 2012

A Rant on Behaviour

One of the units I am enrolled in at USQ is "Managing Supportive Learning Environments". Do you have any idea what this course is even about? 

Behaviour Management. Why did they not just call it that? So I am into my second week, and today have been listening to lectures about behaviour management. I feel pretty fired up right now about where behaviour management is going these days. I am WAY OLD SCHOOL. 

Basically, the original behaviour theory said that our behaviour, good and bad, is a result of an individuals history of both positive and negative consequences... we will exhibit behaviour that results in pleasant consequences and reduce/avoid behaviour which results in unpleasant consequences. That has now been criticised. Surprise Surprise (the Greens probably got involved). Apparently "the idea of consequences deny's free will and the capacity to make decisions"

So as a result we have moved to a Cognitive-Behaviour Theory where the emphases is on a individuals capacity to make choices about their behaviour. The learners need to choose behaviour and how they will respond and its the teachers responsibility to guide and encourage that. 

Where punishment was a deterrent for unacceptable behaviour and still is widely accepted within society as a response to anti social behaviour - it has been totally removed from Australian schools (according to a paper that was apparently released by the Australian Government in 2003). "Punishment and Coercion is no longer an accepted practise in Australian schools, the focus is now on supporting students to behave appropriately" 


I mean seriously, what does "supporting learning environments even mean"? What kind of individuals are going to be coming out of school and into society is there is no idea of consequences to actions? How are they going to cope with consequences in the real world if they lack them in a school system? I thought school was meant to prepare you for the big wide world. One case response we have to do: learners are found smoking pot on school grounds. Appropriate response: no punishment according the the Australian Government! Maybe just a little polite talking too (nothing too aggressive as you may infringe on their social rights at a citizen!). What happens when they caught in the streets on the real world? Straight to jail my friend, go not pass go and collect your $200. 

What are we teaching our children in school and how on earth is a teacher to get control of a classroom when the idea of punishment is no longer appropriate?

I am so looking forward to the lectures where they EQUIP us on how to be a supportive teacher. 

Look, I am not promoting abuse and harsh punishment which is a little over the top, I think there should be a balance between this new theory of support and the old theory of consequences for things which just are not cricket. 

For my teacher readers like Lou, Jess and Jo, some insights from you would be appreciated!

I hope I have no offended anyone!

Sunday 26 February 2012

Hong Kong

I realise our Hong Kong trip as last weekend. USQ has got me by the balls at the moment... that is a post in itself! 

We had a great time in Hong Kong! Nate got us the best hotel, about 50 billion steps up from the rat hole of a place we were in at Terrenganu. Phew. 

One of the benefits of having Zac around is that he seems to research the places we go. He gets information I would never think of getting like, the avg price of a taxi, beer, night clubs, meals... he also found out that the avg temp was going to be between 16 and 18 degrees! He mentioned this as soon as I had finished packing our suitcases full of shorts, tees and flip flops and we were about to walk out the door. "oh well, how cold is 18? not cold enough for closed shoes and a scarf" - I through in a pair of jeans, one thin long sleeve, and a very light cardy. Did the same for Nate and we were off! 

Can I just say that I wore ONE outfit for three days which included all my clothes at the same time. I think at one stage I had three tank tops on under the thin long sleeve and ridiculously unpractical cardy. I layered up in a huge way.  It was SO COLD! We have clearly become accustomed to the sticky 31 degrees that KL gives us every day along with her steamy thunderstorms and were so not prepared for a chilly breeze and bomber jacket temperatures! 

I was kind of bummed to be honest. I really miss wearing jeans, boots, scarves... winter is such a fashionable season. KL gets down to a whooping 28 degrees for winter. So it would have been the perfect chance to air my winter wardrobe which I lugged over here (for what reason I am still trying to understand!). 

The highlight of the trip was going up the Peak Tram to Madame Tussauds. The wax figures were pretty cool.

Zac getting his mac on with Elle

I loved this woman


Nate is my Einstein 

Oh Jack <3

That one TALL asian dude 

Wow. Zac going Gaga
Shopping is probably the only reason why I would go back there! It was really cheap. Zac and Nate said that the rides at Disney weren't all that and didn't give you that "feeling" as Zac puts it (Lord knows what feel that is... he needs a woman). *teasing Zacci*

It was great to see another place, being there with Nate was definitely the best experience I have ever had in Hong Kong. Traveling with the one you adore just makes it all the more dreamy. Really privileged to be over here doing all these exciting things. God is mega faithful. 

Thursday 23 February 2012


I did not see that pillar. Sorry honey :-(

I am not going to go into how it all happened, and I realise that we got a vehicle with reverse sensors - and yes, they were screaming at me when I made contact with the massive concrete pillar at Ikea...

I will say this, driving that tank around is as good as an arm workout with that trainer chick from Biggest Loser. Its practically a gym session. AND the thing is HIGH and LONG and well... I just didn't see it. AND, the car parks in this place are like, TINY!

Bound to happen some time right?

From now on, I vow to obey the sensor when it starts going nuts and flat lining...

Wednesday 22 February 2012

Wise Wednesday

Thank goodness for Wise Wednesday. Already 1 week in to the studying and I am behind! How did that happen? I don't remember my undergrad (or postgrad for that matter) being this intense! Maybe I care more? I am married to a super duper uber smarty pants, so I have to HD this bad boy! Not at this rate though! Seriously, its slow going - and working from home - FAR to many distractions. And I consistently eat. Dear Lord why?

Sorry for the silence, I do have stuff to write, but I need to kick this readings and 3 hour intro lectures in the ass.

How cute is this though:

Monday 20 February 2012

From The Tally Book - Singapore


This, without a doubt, is the golden child of the Southeast Asia community.

Consider the following table I found on this week.

The very fact that this city-state finds itself in the top 10 most expensive cities in the world (and has a dollar value which is very close to parity with the raging bull that is the AUD) is, at least to me, nothing short of a miracle.

To help you understand my amazement, reflect back on your last trip to Bali (for those of you who aren’t from Perth and don’t dream of the ultimate vacation that is a two week junket to Kuta… just think cheap booze and food, more scooters then New Zealand has sheep and a sea of hawkers trying to sell you the latest knock-off product that they have just snuck out of the back of some factory in China). 

Singapore has none of that.

Dead set – you can cross a footpath without fear of getting mowed down by a local on a bike who has one eye (and hand) on the rather large basket of goods strapped to the back and the other eye (and hand) on the two year old sitting on his lap steering.

So whilst I was there I set out to try and discover what it was that lead to this incredible feat of the modern world….

And what did I find?


You can’t cross a footpath

There is not eating, smoking, carrying things that are potentially flammable and there is definitely no place for fruit that smells like arse (durian)

Motorbikes are a no-no and if you own a bike – make sure you push it.

If you think you can replace the two wheels for four – think again.

The fish are meant for eating not feeding

You pretty much can’t do anything on the escalators...

...and if you are disabled, with child or hauling luggage – sorry you will have to battle with the stairs

And if you happen to forget a rule... well there is no shortage of negative reinforcement!

But as the saying goes –  you can take the girl (or guy) out of the trailer park but you can’t take the trailer park out of the girl (or guy).

And right here in Singapore this certainly rings true. 

Despite the rules (and the rather high cost of living) there remains that subtle nuance of Southeast Asian charm that makes me look forward to one day coming back. Because there, in the midst of all the structure and order… I can still wandering the street with beer in hand and stumble across things that make me stop, shake my head and smile…

So I would like to propose a toast… to the Singapore government... for being so focused on the detail that they forgot that sometimes it pays to take a step back... and look at the bigger picture (if this joke is wasted on you then it is probably a good thing and I will need you to get your mum’s permission before I explain)…

That’s it… see you-lah…


Wow. The last 13 days have been insane. As I mentioned, with Zach being here, a bit of travel has been done. When we stumbled through the door this morning at 2.03am I was very happy to be home. I love travelling, and its a privilege, but there is not place like home.

Singapore was great. Nate has a hilarious post that he is working on! So I won't share too much about the weekend when both Zach and him were there.

I stayed an extra three days to spend time with Verne, Rach and Timi, who live in Singapore. It just so happened that the Jann twins were visiting, so it was the perfect time to hop over the boarder and have a catchup.

The Jann family are our (The Birds) oldest friends. The 6 Jann kids and the 4 Bird kids are practically siblings. They live in Switzerland now, so its rare that we get to catch up. Rach is married with the cutest little boy and another one on the way - so it was so wonderful to get to know Timi and of course the great man she is married to, Verne.

The twins, well they have not changed a bit. My time in Singapore was hanging out with them. It was such an awesome time and I am so lucky to have such old friends in my life. I love that they know me, they know my family, how we all work - even though we don't see each other much, when we do, its like picking up where we left off. Its so so good.

Benji was there from Friday to Monday and then Luki was there from Monday to Friday, so I got to spend time with them individually and have one precious day of them together. We shopped, ate, visited the zoo, played board games, chatted, laughed... it was such a great time.

As an aside, the Singapore Zoo is the freaking bomb diggi. I usually hate zoo's because of the manki enclosures... this place. You wouldn't know you are in one.

Rach is SO preggers - we had to get her a wheel chair (she hated it)

Tuesday 14 February 2012

From The Tally Book - My Sexy Love

Some pictures from the early days... my love... more beautiful every day!



Monday 13 February 2012

From The Tally Book – Just a Few Ways To Fill a Long Weekend

One of the perks of my new job is the work life balance…

·         5 weeks annual leave
·         Half day Fridays
·         Paid public holidays

The last one is awesome.

In a culture where there are three distinct cultural groups – Malay, Chinese, Indian… plus the add bonus of appeasing us whities (the Melbourne Cup is did not make the cut)… the total number for the whole Malaysia region is 41.

Unfortunately for me that only equates to 15 days extra I get off this year (certain holidays only valid in certain states and a holiday falling on Saturday are not replaced on a Monday).

Still… it eclipses the 10 back in Perth so I won’t complain.

So what to do with all that time? Here’s a few ideas

Friday – Drive across a country…

I finished work as per usual at 12noon. Another hard week – 3 and a half days. Significantly more than the 2 and a half days the week before, and the 2 and a half days that was to come. Still I was not going to let fatigue hold me back. A promising weekend of beach and snorkeling lay ahead… well so I thought.

Some important background info. I am Dutch. Exploring is in my blood. Particularly the region that is South East Asia. I have read all about what the V.O.C once did. They came, they saw and they conquered. I thought it necessary to honour such a legacy. Unfortunately for me I was soundly defeated, lasting only a night and returning home, tail between legs.

Let me let you – it was a long way to go to find some tasty “Supreme Pork” (which was really incredible) and a sea breeze to match the 40 knots of Geraldton. We landed in Malaysia’s ‘Quran belt’, in the middle of monsoon season, with no pubs and a nightlife that consisted of driving to the foreshore for a fanta and (halal) fish balls on a stick.

Here is a lesson for all of us –read the lonely planet travel guide.

The trip wasn’t all for waste… we did drive the across the Malaysian Peninsular and touch the South China Sea. Tick and Tick.

Saturday – Enjoy a night on the town…

Following the 6.5hr return leg we needed some excitement. What better way heading out to the popular night strip of Changkat Bukit Bintang.

Initial plans – have a ‘beer tower’… head to Jalan Alor for a feed… probably come home with Ruth and tuck her into bed then go out to Ministry of South for a dance with ZJ (side note – in case you hadn’t realised the ‘we’ was myself, Ruth and my bro Zac)

What actually happened – randomly run into some of Ruth’s friends from the “Association of British Woman”… drink Moet and Kilkenny… share Zac’s exploits as a ‘semi’ famous rock star at home… encourage Zac to ‘sing along with the band’… have a dance… shared a unique cultural experience that is drinks on the streets of South East Asia… eat a burger… head home.

We were all very grateful of our decision to bail on Kuala Terengganu.

 Sunday – Do something manly…

I confess. There are times when the inner child in me needs to be satiated. And the voice had been crying out for some time. Months in fact. Back to the time when Ruth and I were at these very cool antique markets and I saw a guy walking around, full S.W.A.T suit (hardened plastic face mask included), with bb gun in hand. I needed one.

Problem being is that if I bought one then, I knew that it would only be so long before I tired of shooting targets and would want to shot someone… it doesn’t take a genius to realise the wife is NOT that someone… however the little boy inside if often NOT a genius. In fact he can be rather dull witted and slow, believing the repercussions are worth the course of action.

Thankfully Zac arrived. And with an unexpected weekend in KL what better thing then to go around, inflicting pain on each other (top of the foot, point blank takes the cake).

Monday – Do something fun…

A trip to park average… Sunway Lagoon. A day wasted is enough. I won’t waste your time reading a description of it. I love theme parks… and this one does not deserve such a title.

That is all.

Tuesday – Experience culture…

Let me paint the scene:

  • Imagine me on your shoulders (I weigh 80kg’s and change)… walking up a few thousand stairs... on a forty degree day with humidity topping 80%.
  • Add a million people shoulder to shoulder with a general hygiene standard which would consist of a once a week shower (I do not exaggerate).
  • Throw in all the colour and noise of Bollywood .
  • Put a 10mm metal skewer through both your cheeks and individually hang 20kg’s of oranges on your back with fish hooks.
 Welcome to Thaipusam.

In a nut shell Thaipisam is is a Hindu festival celebrated mostly by the Tamil community and the Batu Caves of Malaysia is its Mecca. For those who might like to read more - Wikipedia is the place to go. My insights are those of an uneducated whitey.

Surprisingly this was one cultural experience that I was happy to experience on the sidelines.

I took pictures… they are graphic so viewer discretion is recommended. For those whose visual tolerance does not include men suspended in the air with hooks through each limb a very inadequate summary of what was witnessed includes:

  • Massive commercialization of what is to some (evidently) an extremely sacred day (look out for the pink elephant and ‘Hotlink’ sponsorship in the pictures below)
  • 100’s of tents offering food, a vast array of idols, electronic goods, pots, pans and CD’s of locally recorded Punjabi hip-hop
  • A portable theme park next to a throng of worshippers shouting “AMEN! AMEN! AMEN!” in support of the unlucky few who have been selected to carry the burden of the masses to as a  penance to a god
  • The danger of trying to funnel a few thousand people through a single gate onto a limited capacity train
 For me personally... next to actually being there pictures do the event more justice then my words:

(...the following content may be a little too much for some viewers...)

and that.... was our weekend.

see you-lah!