
Sunday 30 September 2012

a healthier me

I am the type of person who, when it comes to anything, especially diet or health, I need someone to hold my hand and tell me to eat this, drink that, run there, swim here. Even with all that support I flake. I am a huge flaker (those who know me well can testify to this fact!).

Since we moved to KL, I have been feeling a little out of sorts - nothing major, just light headed, exhausted and getting migranes waaaaaay to often. My doctor is rather holistic and after a few visits, a blood test and a my husbands gentle voice, it became obvious that I was not looking after myself. I want to be more healthy, but to be honest, there is so many theories and ideas out there, that gosh, where do you start? Good bloody excuse not to!

I have been following the postings of my sister-in-law, Lou's, sister. Kristy is her name. She lives with her husband, Michael, on a farm in Victoria, and only ingestes or applies things to her body that are as toxic-free as possible. Cooking and taking photos are her hobbies, but health is her life. Really. She is the real deal.

For the next 30 days, Kristy will be posting up healthy living ideas, recpies, mantras and whatever else to inspire health. She has already done her first post here. This is not a diet. This is about helping lazy ass people like me make better choices about what goes into their mouth.

If you are feeling like you need a bit of help to get onto the path of raw foods, unprocessed goods, organic produce, feel good excerise and healthy living tips then hop onto her blog every day for the next 30 and there will be something there to inspire you and help you to be a little bit more kind to your body.

Thursday 9 August 2012

Isn't Paris magic?

We have not stopped exploring this magical city since we touched down on Friday morning and the longer we are here the more there seems to see! We bought unlimited rail passes and a 7 day bicycle pass. Having those two modes of transport has been absolutely fab, especially the bikes. They have been a great alternative to walking, allowing us to see so much. To avoid a massive upload when we get home, here some iPhone shots from our days here so far - tomorrow we are off to the UK.

Thursday 2 August 2012

Appearances can be deceiving

I had to go to the doctor today, for my second Hep B vaccine, and I was reminded about my first visit to Dr # back in May. I had heard about him from many of the ABMW women who all swear by him.

Up to this point my experience of anything medical/health related has been fantastic. When I had my wisdoms out, it was like being in a day spa (obviously didn't feel like I had been in a day spa afterwards!), when I went into emergency, again, clean and efficient... so my expectations for this doctor were on a similar level, hang I may even get offered a cup of hot ginger tea whilst waiting for the good doctor!

I got given his number, so I called -

"Hello" (softly spoken mans voice, must be the wrong number)
"Um, hi... is this Dr # office? I think I may have the wrong number"
"No this is Dr #"
"Oh, gosh, I didn't know this was your mobile number, may I have the number of reception and Ill call there, I don't want to bother you directly"
"No thats ok, you can come after 2pm today"
"Okay, so no specific time?"
"We don't do appointments so just come between 2pm and 8pm"
"Ok, sure. Ill see you after 2pm"

I hung up thinking that was a little weird, what doctor (1) does the appointments himself and (2) isn't time specific?

2.05pm I got there, saw the sign on the skinny door that more skinny then a usual door...

The Klinik entrance was the first impression, and my goodness, it is not a good one. That blue carpet really stinks, its stained and well worn - I figured it was probably the owner of the buildings issue and assured myself the inside would not be this gross!

I opened the door to the clinic and stepped into the waiting room...

The floor was uneven, and the ceiling rather low. And I remember thinking what have I got myself in for?

I headed over to the very eccentric looking receptionist, whom I later learnt was the nurse and doesn't do the bookings as she forgets things. Nice to know I am in good hands! I had to write my name of a piece of paper, and got told to sit... on what? those two chairs? the moment I sit on one I know I am going to go sliding down the slope and end up bashing  into the wall.  I thought standing might be a safer option, so that what I did, I just stood and read the Buddhist proverbs on the wall.

My name gets call and I get ushered into the consultant room...


Anyway I decided to put my judgements aside, this doctor had come highly recommended from the good women at the ABW so it had to be worthwhile. Dr # and I had our chat and he decided a pee sample was need, I took the cup and went to the bathroom...

Really? Can I just say that 4 months later, that toilet is still under repair!

Um, so now what?

Lucky there was another toilet!

All in all it turns out that Dr # really knows his stuff. He is against the grain and very different to a lot of the doctors I have been too. Against the chemical pushing and more into the natural way before prescribing away loads of pills. His philosophy is so different and I really like him. We had a great family doctor growing up, in a small farming community there was only one, so he was really part of the family. I feel like that with Dr #. The 1 hour RM25 (A$8.30) consult was thorough, we chatted, laughed, went through what he believes as a doctor which was refreshing. I felt like I had just been to see a friend.

Its hard to not make judgements from appearances, I do that ALL the time. Living here is teaching me that there really is more to the run down, mouldy buildings and the stinky sewer smell that you get a whiff of whilst walking the streets. KL has heart under its chaotic exterior which never fails to surprise me.

# - the only reason why I am using this as his name is because if someone googles his name to find him, I don't want this post to come up and he potentially get offended!

Wednesday 25 July 2012

8 more sleeps

The only things that stands between Nate and I getting on Flight MH20 direct to Paris are a mere 8 nights rest. And 2 assignments. Well 1.5 assignments. No, 2 assignments. 2 assignments and we are out of here.

I have been on a crazy amount of blogs reading about the cafe's to visit, the night life, the coffee, the patisseries, the fashion, the shopping, the sites, the architecture, the gardens, the galleries... I cannot wait!

Paris, my husband and me.

We are ready for you!

Sunday 22 July 2012


As you can tell from this post, whilst I was traipsing through the most dense rainforest known to man at a 90 degree angle, with 30kgs on my back, mosquitos plaguing me, rain pouring down, leaches threatening to attack... my husband was enjoying a wonderful week of man-time. When I got home, he was buzzing on, and whilst I pretended to listen the only words I kept catching were "iDarts", "Leonard", "so much fun", "midnight", "iDarts" and more "Leonard"... 

On Tuesday night this week, we were off to the opening of iDarts - with Leonard organising the show were were treated, once again, to VIP status. These are the perks of being friends with one of the most connected people in this town. But we don't only love him for that!

So I finally got to see what all the hype was about! I initially thought in order to have a good time you needed to be able to play darts, but this is not the case. Anyone and everyone can play it. Its dangerous because you don't realise how much time passes, there is great music, the drinks flow  - the next thing you know its 1am. It really is so much fun. 

Thank you Leonard for another great experience, saya amat menyukainya! You rock :-) 

Thursday 19 July 2012


It has been really dry over the last month or two which is unusual for this place! In the months prior, a nice thunderstorm was almost expected around 3pm every day, but that has not been the case for June/July. In fact, Nate sent me a newspaper article a couple weeks ago about how some areas are having water restrictions - which seems so ridiculous to me! Clearly this country has no clue about rainwater harvesting or rainwater tanks? I mean come on, it pretty much rains every other day of the year so one would think there would be an idea to potentially "save for a rainy day" ;-) sigh* so typically Malaysian.

I am on school holiday, but Semester 2 started a mere 2 days after school broke up - wicked. And over those two days we had people! Now its back to the assignments, lectures and readings. We leave in 14 days time for France and the UK, and whilst we are away I have assignments due, thus I am trying to get them done before... and so that familiar stress knot in my chest from Semester 1 is back and so are the restless nights.

When my alarm went off this morning, the room was really dark which is unusual. Normally the sunshine is streaming in through the gaps in the curtains, shouting at me to get out of bed and get too it! I thought perhaps my jealous-you-get-to-sleep-past-6am-husband may have played a trick on me and changed the time on my phone... I got out of bed... head rush... and went to open the curtains. I couldn't see the towers. I saw heaps of red brake lights on the already crowded roads... when my eyes came into focus I saw. I opened the windows as wide as they could go, felt the coolness on my face and listened to the heavy shower coming down from the heavens. Water from the sky - what a cool concept.

I sat outside for a while, listening to God water his earth to the low rumble of thunder in the distance. Perspective.
It's a wonderful thing.

Sunday 15 July 2012

Taman Negara

During the last week of the school year, all the year groups at the Alice Smith School have “Trips Week”. Each year group goes on a different trip. This year, the year 8’s were off to Taman Negara and I was asked to go along as a member of staff.

Taman Negara is Malaysia’s largest national park covering 434,000 ha (for those who are like me and useless with numbers - 7 Singapore’s!) of mountainous jungle. Within its borders is Gunung Tahan, the highest mountain on the Peninsula (2187m). It has been covered in jungle for 130 million years making it the oldest rainforest in the world and two long, lazy meandering rivers - Sungai Tembeling and Sungai Tahan, surround it! A pretty special place – so you can imagine why I was keen to get on board!

I don’t think anything could have prepared me for the week that was to come. 86 noisy, hormonal, pubescent 13 year old boys and girls. The year group was dived into groups of 10, each group having a member of staff assigned to them. My group was the bomb – “Yerrow Crackers” were their name. Not 100% sure why! Made up of 7 girls and 3 boys. Loud, but a great bunch of kids!

Monday and Friday were designated travel days, Tuesday and Wednesday were filled with activities, which the groups rotated on, and Thursday was community service day.

Day 1 | Monday
We left the school at 8am and what was meant to be a 4-hour coach ride, turned into a 7-hour epically slow journey. Don’t you worry, the extra 3 hours on the bus did not curb the enthusiasm of the kids, they only got louder. I think it was the Mc D’s we stopped at for morning tea, the KFC we stopped for at lunch and the numerous other massively sugar loaded products they were vapourising on the bus.

Once we arrived we had to walk a way to river where we had to get onto long boats and be ferried across the river to our “5 star” hotel accommodation (there is only one option for accommodation!). Up 60 real steep stairs and we had made it! I was dying. Carrying my two backpacks, my handbag, my lunch bag, a first aid kit – my shoulders were killing me!

Day 2 | Tuesday
After having the most horrendous sleep (no air con and fan which kept tripping the power)– I stumbled into the breakfast buffet room only to hear the other visitors to the resort complaining bitterly about this group of school kids who had arrived on mass: “so much for a nice quiet relaxing week away” said one Germany lady as she was waiting in the 20 person deep line for the pancakes!

My group was down to do the jungle trek and the canopy walk. The canopy walk is about 40m above the forest floor and 530m long. I was looking forward to that, but the jungle trek, not so much. Especially after I got told we were going to be walking fro about 4 hours!

I thought it was going to be ok when we started, it was nice and flat and pretty easy going but it quickly turned into a walk from hell! It had rained very heavily the night before and the boardwalk was under renovation so that meant we had to bushwack our way through the jungle with a guide. It was so slippery, steep, hot and so so humid. I was cursing and swearing most of the way but had to keep a positive attitude up for the students! I was missing my Nate terribly as he is normally my Sherpa, my encourager and generally just makes life more pleasant! I had a backpack on with a first aid kit which was so heavy it felt like I had a mini hospital on my back. It started to rain during the trek so on went the plastic poncho’s which only make you sweat even more! It’s not my idea of a good time – not even the views made me think otherwise.

This was the easy part of the walk!

Beautiful views

View from the top - in the distance is Gunung Tahan mountain

We ended up at this stunning riverside beach where we all had a welcome swim! This was probably one of my favourite moments of the trip – it reminded me of my youth with my family, spending days on the Umkomaas river and up at Cobham in Underberg, tubing and just having a great time.

My favourite part of the day! 

Day 3 | Wednesday
After (1) having to remind a boy that he needed to have a shower and change his clothes, as No, its not okay that he had been there for 2 days, jungle trekked and still had not done the above… (2) told 3 moody teenage girls that yes, you can still walk when you having your period so no, they could not bail on the trek… and (3) walking into what I though was a small horse with a blanket on (turns out it was a tapir!) It would be safe to say I was starting to loose my sense of humour! Thank goodness my group was on white water rafting and team building for the day. Team building meant that I could do my own thing for the morning - I tried to catch up on some much needed sleep!


The ‘white water rafting’ was great, even though there were no rapids in sight! All the groups got onto long boats and we got taken up the river and whilst we were going the locals splashed us – whooo! Yeah! We spent the afternoon swimming and having mud fights on the banks of the river, it was fantastic.

My extra cool group

Day 4 | Thursday
The whole year group got together for the Community Service day – we picked up litter and visited the native tribe to see how they lived off the forest (never mind the empty cartons of pot noodles scattered everywhere and the Nike tee shirts hanging on their washing lines!). We then visited Kuala Tahan primary school where they did a show for us. I took a video clip which is below.

Some of the students at the school

Day 5 | Friday
I was totally and utterly pooped. Seriously. I was so so keen to get home! All that stood in the way was a dam bus trip. You would have thought the kids would have been so tired by this stage and thus the noise levels a bit lower. NO WAY! I am so glad I packed my headphones!

All in all it was a great experience, not one that I will rush back for that’s for sure, but it was so nice to see something I don’t think I would have gone to see.

Friday 25 May 2012

Manila bound

It's been a while...

I that is how the past few blogposts of mine have started! the combination of full time university and a being at school is taking its toll. Something has to give. And soon! My well being is taking a knock from the amount of stress. I have blood tests to prove it!

Nate is playing footy in Manila this weekend, and I decided to tag along! Won't miss a chance to see a new place. So we are on our way to the LCCT to catch a flight.

Sunday 13 May 2012

Happy Mother's Day

Happy mother's day to my mum and my mum-in-law. Thank you for being so full of love, so supportive and so caring to Nathanael and I. We love you both very much and hope today is restful and relaxing.

Saturday 12 May 2012


To celebrate being married for a whole 365 days, Nate booked a fantastic room in the town of Melaka for 3 nights. He took 4 days off work, I took a few days break from school and study. Its a short hop from Kuala Lumpur, across through the picturesque plantation country.

Melaka is a really well known place - its one of Malaysia tourism industry's trump cards thanks to its Portuguese, Dutch and British colonial history. It was a rich cosmopolitan port long before it feel victim to successive colonial invasions vying for its strategic location. As you walk the streets and visit museums, its plain to see that Melaka's wealth and influence are now a thing of the past. It has so much potential though and Nate and I found ourselves dreaming of what it could be, with a bit of tender loving care. I don't know what it is about Asia or the mentality here - things could be so great if preserved. We found ourselves talking about how Asia views the west, and if for them, preserving things which they may see as being plundered or stolen from them, was a priority. I guess not! Why would you want to celebrate, look after, preserve something which has causes war, flighting and pain to a nation?

It is beautiful, in a neglected kind of way. Like take a look at these little places on the river. If this was anywhere else in the world, well, western part of the world, this would be prime property. The river would be cleaned up and not stinky, the houses would be renovated, and they would sell for heaps!

We did a lot of relaxing when we were in Melaka but did a bit of touring around too. The area is super rich with history. My favourite spot was St Paul's Hill. A winding path leads from the town square to the ruins of St Paul's Church (1521) built on the site of the last Melakan sultans istana. From 1567 - 1596 the church was used as a fortress by the Portuguese, but it was badly damaged during the Dutch siege in 1641. Inside are gravestones, all propped up in the interior - all reminders of the epidemics and early mortality that early settlers had to face.

 We had a really lovely time. Eating, drinking, walking, joking, laughing... I am so grateful for the opportunities God is providing for us to travel and get to know each other. Nathanael is my best friend, being able to hang out with him so much has made me love him even more with every sunset and sunrise. It was a magical time, one I know I will look back on with fond memories.

Happy 1 year my sweet pea. You are the only one for me x x x

Sunday 6 May 2012

Sunday Night Market

we usually come down to our local market on a Sunday evening. there is the most delicious food, local street style of course, and the freshest veggies. I tend to do my weekly fruit and veg shop here. it's cheaper and the produce lasts a whole lot longer!

it's a cultural experience too! where else could you go and have a live "band" performing whilst you shop? that photo of the guy with crutches... local street market pop star!

Wednesday 2 May 2012

27 years on...

twenty seven years old today. my goodness me. where has the time gone?

looking in the rear-view mirror my twenty sixth year has been full, fun and fantastic. with the love of my life by my side, as my husband, we did so much. grew so much. loved so much. my love has always spoilt me on my birthdays, we have been together for three of them now. today has been no exception. last night we went to the most incredible restaurant where we ate amazing food and drank deliciously fine wine (a little too much!).

A place called Dish, not too far from where we live, was where he took me to celebrate 2 years of being together.

The decor was cool, the food and service was outstanding. I am one lucky lucky girl. We chatted about all sorts of things - the experiences we have had so far being one of them. I have had my ups and downs, but being in KL has been an experience, and opened up the doors to so many other things I never dreamed I would see or do. It's been a magical time so far with just me and Nate. I will look back on this time and treasure it always. 

This morning I woke to my sleepy husband mumbling happy birthday. After reading my card, which left me teary and wanting to squeeze him to death, he said I need to go and find my present. I went to the kitchen first, thinking, its that mustard yellow kitchen aid blender... nothing. I went to the lounge next, thinking it was that beautiful converted rice chest coffee table... nothing. He directed me to my study desk and low and behold a giant box covered with a blanket awaited me... and underneath that blanket...

Crazy hey? My laptop is literally on its last legs, so this was something I went crazy about! If I did not have to go to school today I would have spent the morning setting it all up. 

How spoilt am I? Thank you honey :-) Thank you for your love. You are my best friend and I still cant believe I get to do life with you.