
Sunday 30 September 2012

a healthier me

I am the type of person who, when it comes to anything, especially diet or health, I need someone to hold my hand and tell me to eat this, drink that, run there, swim here. Even with all that support I flake. I am a huge flaker (those who know me well can testify to this fact!).

Since we moved to KL, I have been feeling a little out of sorts - nothing major, just light headed, exhausted and getting migranes waaaaaay to often. My doctor is rather holistic and after a few visits, a blood test and a my husbands gentle voice, it became obvious that I was not looking after myself. I want to be more healthy, but to be honest, there is so many theories and ideas out there, that gosh, where do you start? Good bloody excuse not to!

I have been following the postings of my sister-in-law, Lou's, sister. Kristy is her name. She lives with her husband, Michael, on a farm in Victoria, and only ingestes or applies things to her body that are as toxic-free as possible. Cooking and taking photos are her hobbies, but health is her life. Really. She is the real deal.

For the next 30 days, Kristy will be posting up healthy living ideas, recpies, mantras and whatever else to inspire health. She has already done her first post here. This is not a diet. This is about helping lazy ass people like me make better choices about what goes into their mouth.

If you are feeling like you need a bit of help to get onto the path of raw foods, unprocessed goods, organic produce, feel good excerise and healthy living tips then hop onto her blog every day for the next 30 and there will be something there to inspire you and help you to be a little bit more kind to your body.