
Thursday 12 January 2012

A standard Indian delight

We have had the privilege of eating out every night since we arrived here - that's what happens when you have none of your household belongings (well actually its just so cheap)! Its been a real experience - I am quickly learning that my standard of hygiene vs Nathanael's standard of hygiene are on two opposite ends of the spectrum.

There have been a few nights where I have found myself gripping onto his hand was we wonder down ally ways towards whats known as "hawker" food establishments. Basically they are eating houses bigger than your average street food stand and usually characterised by plastic chairs, tables and open air dining. There have been some that we have visited where I have bathed my knife and fork in hand sanitiser, and not let my lips touch the drinking vessel... to my husbands credit though, those have been the places with the most tastiest food!

I am learning to become more tolerant of the surroundings and not as judgemental. Although I do have my limits. The sad thing is that the busier ones tend to attracted limbless beggers who hover around the tables trying to sell tissues or they sing into very distorted amps which they drag on wheels behind them. Then you have the ones who sell fake watches and lazers... not my idea of a romantic night out! It kinda messes with your head a bit. I guess that's just 3rd world and something of an every day norm here. 

As mentioned above, we have been going out every night, majority of the time has been spent cruising around Bangsar. We have noticed this spot which, night after night, has crowds of people. Being a hawker joint, its nothing fancy, but seriously, its busting with people most nights. We decided to try it. Nirwana Maju it was called. 

2 x Banana Leaf Sets.
2 x Watermelon Juices (+ another 2 because the food was so spicy!)
Thank you garcon!

First they put together a ricketty table with some plastic stools on the pavement, I think we had the neon white lights of a mobile phone store as our backdrop! 

Out came our plates

Then onto our eco friendly plates they pile three condiments (?) 

Some steamed white rice

Curry gravy 

And shamwow, your banana left set is ready for consumption!

So thats the basic banana leaf set, which then you order meat based curries to accompany it. This type of dining seems to be a standard at the hawker indian spots around town. Its super delicious and this time, we had no budding entrepenuers pestering us to buy their tissues/lazers/debut ep.



  1. Great! I'm not sure that there is anything there that I would like to eat.... should i pack food in my bag when I come visit? Love the pics though and your writing xx

    1. No Jo, we will take you to nice places! Although Nate wants to take Troy to these places!

  2. What adventures you are having.... your meal looks great!! Love Mama XXOO

  3. Love reading these stories and seeing your piccies Ruthie - what an experience hey :o) Hope to catch up with you guys in KL in a few months time en-route to the UK. Lotsa love, Rands xxx

    1. Really looking forward to seeing you here. Wish it was for more time though!

  4. Love that I can read about your adventures Ruth. Love Kelli xx.

  5. Sounds like so much fun! Love the blog, we both learning together! Lots of Love, Cath x
