
Tuesday 10 January 2012

A roadtrip to the Highlands

Nate and I went on our first adventure to the Cameron Highlands. According to google maps its approximately 300kms from where we live. We woke up early, climbed into our trusty steed and set off to Bangsar to get coffee and take away brekky from a spot called Antipodean, a little cafe fast becoming a favourite for us both. 

Antipodean, Bangsar
The drive out was an experience. The speed limit was 110km (according to the sign posts), but for some reason, when doing the 115km, we found ourselves been flashed, over taken and basically honked at for going too slow! Wonderful.

At one point, we saw a cluster of scooters, say about 30? all in the left hand lane, on closer approach, we noticed they were all cops... naturally, my husband slowed from the comfortable 135km he was doing, to 110km. Which we both thought was the logical thing to do, I mean heck, there were 30+ traffic law enforcement people surrounding us! Then the most bizzare thing happened... using hand signals, a few of the 'marshalls' at the back of the group started waving us into the right hand lane, urging us to pass... all well and good, the problem was, the group was moving at 110km per hour... and well, if we passed, that would mean we would have to speed. What to do what to do? Sit and bear it or over take, clearly needing to break the law in front all these traffic officers? The more we sat behind them, pondering what to do, the more frantic the waves to pass got... I got a nervous look from Nate, who kept muttering stuff along the lines of what I dont know... and down his foot went. We passed a few, so slowed down, only to get more frantic waves of impatience from more officers, telling us to pass! Good lord, how fast did they want us to go? Nevertheless, we got passed them all at an average speed of what felt like 150kms...

We got to the base of the Highlands rather quicker than anticipated. The Highlands are part of the Titiwangsa Range and are about 1500m above sea level, to get up there, there is a 70km single lane, very narrow road full of switch backs. The accent was a scene straight out of the Tour de France and I would say its Malaysia's very own Alpe d'Huez! Due to the narrow roads and countless blind corners of the switchbacks, there were a few hairy moments with oncoming vehicles, trucks, I might add! But my Nate, hands on ten and two, did an amazing job at getting us safely up and down Malaysia version of the Pyrenees! Good job honey!

The most beautiful waterfalls appeared out of nowhere
The rest of the day was spent cruising around the Highlands, visiting beautiful tea estates, and munching on fresh scones, cream, strawberry jam and local handpicked tea. The soil in the Highlands is dark, rich and fertile - the climate is misty and cool - the mountains seems to burst with crispy fresh water. Its rather lovely. Majority of the fruit, vegetables and flowers are grown up there, and there are many many little farms, which sell only the freshest fruit and vegetables from colourful stalls on the side of the road (as if there was any space for them there!)

One for the visitors to see :-)

One of the many farms nestled into the mountain side
Ye Old Smokehouse
Crumbly Scones with locally made strawberry jam and chilled thick cream
Cameron Valley Tea Estate


  1. So beautiful!! keep the news coming! Ange xx

  2. Great idea Ruth.... I thoroughly enjoyed reading and laughing with you. Love to you both Mama XXOO
