
Tuesday 28 February 2012

What social life?

University is killing me softly. Hang on, let me clarify, online/distance learning is killing me softly. 

Looking back at my Uni days in South Africa - it was a dream. No responsibility, my parents paid, I missed half the lectures, had great friends who collected notes for me, helped me study for tests/exams, had wonderfully dorky people to copy tuts and assignments from and generally just lazily buzzed along with not much stress. 51% was 1% too much effort in my book. *sigh* that was the life! 

This time around, WOW. First up, I am paying... well my husband is paying. He is super smart, super diligent so I need to make sure I do the man justice... cant have him thinking he married a dummy! And well to be honest, I care a whole lot more - I want to do well! 

For the last week, I have been getting up at 8am (so early!), and spending the day on my laptop, comment on forums, logging into online tuts, listening to lectures, going through powerpoints, participating in classroom Wimba sessions, reading reading reading, writing pages of notes. My social life has taken a turn for the worst! Tonight we went over to Liz and Dougals, its Mollies birthday today and it was Annabelle's last week, so we went over to drop off presents... the girls did not recognise me thats how much of a NERD I have been! Liz said that its interfering with her social life too! AND, my blog is suffering because I have nothing exciting to report! 

I find online/distance learning even worse, NO spoon feeding! I have to work out my own schedule, my own study times, no nice little handout of when lectures and tuts are for the units! I mean come on, I come from a history of spoon feeding, I am part of the spoon fed generation! Now all the info is lumped on some StudyDesk thing and I need to find it for myself, sort it for myself and make sure I am keeping up. Its not ideal. Let me tell you, there are some HECTICLY nerdy people out there! Its only week 2 and I noticed some tit has asked for extra readings coz they done with the extra extra readings. WHAT THE? 

Great news - I got a placement at Alice Smith School! BOOM. So happy. As of next Monday I will be at school I think 4 days a week as a teachers assistant in the Geography classroom for yrs 7- 12. Radical. When I am meant to do my studying I have cooking clue. It will all work out. 

In other news, the weather has been rainy lately, more so than usual. It usually rains everyday but during the last week the rain has been for longer and usually involved lightening. There is something cosy about being indoors when the rain is pelting against the window. Almost makes me want to rug up, until I go outside into the 32 degree sticky air. 

Snapped this moody sky from the balcony yesterday

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