
Monday 20 February 2012

From The Tally Book - Singapore


This, without a doubt, is the golden child of the Southeast Asia community.

Consider the following table I found on this week.

The very fact that this city-state finds itself in the top 10 most expensive cities in the world (and has a dollar value which is very close to parity with the raging bull that is the AUD) is, at least to me, nothing short of a miracle.

To help you understand my amazement, reflect back on your last trip to Bali (for those of you who aren’t from Perth and don’t dream of the ultimate vacation that is a two week junket to Kuta… just think cheap booze and food, more scooters then New Zealand has sheep and a sea of hawkers trying to sell you the latest knock-off product that they have just snuck out of the back of some factory in China). 

Singapore has none of that.

Dead set – you can cross a footpath without fear of getting mowed down by a local on a bike who has one eye (and hand) on the rather large basket of goods strapped to the back and the other eye (and hand) on the two year old sitting on his lap steering.

So whilst I was there I set out to try and discover what it was that lead to this incredible feat of the modern world….

And what did I find?


You can’t cross a footpath

There is not eating, smoking, carrying things that are potentially flammable and there is definitely no place for fruit that smells like arse (durian)

Motorbikes are a no-no and if you own a bike – make sure you push it.

If you think you can replace the two wheels for four – think again.

The fish are meant for eating not feeding

You pretty much can’t do anything on the escalators...

...and if you are disabled, with child or hauling luggage – sorry you will have to battle with the stairs

And if you happen to forget a rule... well there is no shortage of negative reinforcement!

But as the saying goes –  you can take the girl (or guy) out of the trailer park but you can’t take the trailer park out of the girl (or guy).

And right here in Singapore this certainly rings true. 

Despite the rules (and the rather high cost of living) there remains that subtle nuance of Southeast Asian charm that makes me look forward to one day coming back. Because there, in the midst of all the structure and order… I can still wandering the street with beer in hand and stumble across things that make me stop, shake my head and smile…

So I would like to propose a toast… to the Singapore government... for being so focused on the detail that they forgot that sometimes it pays to take a step back... and look at the bigger picture (if this joke is wasted on you then it is probably a good thing and I will need you to get your mum’s permission before I explain)…

That’s it… see you-lah…

1 comment:

  1. hahaha....what was that structural designer thinking! lol. and goodness me, what an overload of no nos!
