
Monday 30 April 2012

Its always darkest before the dawn

I have tried to avoid writing a blog post whilst in a negative place. My last entry was hardly helpful! For the last 4 weeks I have been a in a bad headspace about why we decided to move here. I have been unsure. I have not been able to define how I feel. During the last 4 weeks, things that I loved about Kuala Lumpur have transformed into things I hate about Kuala Lumpur.

I miss our church, I miss our friends, I miss our family. I miss our routine.

Moving is frequently cited as one of the most stressful life events after the death of a loved one, divorce or illness. The reasons for moving have been positive but settling into a new home, connecting to a new environment and recreating a home have been stressful. Perhaps the most stressful part of a move is the acceptance of permanent change. The holiday period is now well and truely over. This is home.

I am no stranger to this feeling. I have been here before. So I know it gets better. In fact, it has got better. I can remember when Jo and Troy arrived in Perth. They hated it.

Moving is not easily and its usually not forever (if you dont want it to me), its usually for a season. I have a choice here, I can complain and be unhappy. Or I can chose to make the most of it and get involved and get into a state of gratefulness.

On Friday night I was out for drinks and dinner with two friends, Liz and Emily. It was such a wonderful night. I think I turned a corner in my head. I sat there, sipping wine, having a good old laugh and I was happy. Happy that I have had the chance to meet the most lovely people. That Nate and I have been able to travel so so much already. That we have a great church here. A lovely, lovely home. A sick ute. I have the chance to study something I have always wanted to study. He has half day Fridays! There is so much to be happy about. So hopefully I am inching my way away from this "I don't know if I want to be here any more".Yes there have been kidnappings, riots and oil-on-the-road-to-drum-business incidents... but after spending time on I can find at leave 20 places in the world where at least one of those things are happening!

My Nate is handling this all swimmingly. Whilst I have been a yoyo of emotion, he has been steady, strong and true. Always there as a support. Gently bringing me back to a state of gratefulness. Always saying we can go home at any point. That husband of mine has big shoulders and a solid walk with our God. He is the most consistent person I have ever met in my life. I am so so blessed to be able to do life with him. I man who has my back and is committed to always making sure I am okay.

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