
Saturday 28 April 2012

what is this world coming too?

golly, it's been ages since I posted up any news! I'm currently sitting by the pool, actually in the pool, typing this on my phone. I am in need of some vit d. I've been spending way to much time in side behind a computer screen or in front of a class (yes you heard it, I'm teaching every now and again)!

the teaching/observing/studying thing leaves hardly any time to fit in anything else. but enough about that, we are all busy!

since beginning to write this post until this very word there have been 4 police choppers and the sound of non stop sirens. riots. if you planned to come to KL this weekend, well bummer dude. you picked the wrong one. 100,000 so far are protesting through the streets of KL city center. it's called Bersih 3.0. riots, marches, protests coming from the people of Malaysia who want fair and free elections. apparently they don't get violent, but then they say that and last year the police had to use tear gas and water cannons! so I am steering very clear of that fiasco and having some rnr here at home.

It's been a strange week. last Friday a teacher was involved in a car accident (not a bad one, minor scraps and bruises), but Nate and I were made aware of the "oil on the road" schemes by tow truck drivers. apparently, to drum up business they put oil on bends in the road. to make you have an accident so they can get you to sign a piece of paper which says they can charge you whatever to tow you car. what in the world? and whilst you arguing with 12 tow truck drivers who arrive out of no where and make threats at you (because they gang members) about who is going to tow your car, it gets ransacked! and if that doesn't still make you react, other local drivers hit your car whilst driving past it coz they want to get close enough for a photo. bloody insane is what that is.

so I am driving like a snail. and we have a plan for if it happens. well half a plan. the main issue are these tow truck rats. this teacher ended up having to pay each tow guy RM100 to leave her alone and move their trucks. they had actually block her car off from her insurance tower. did I mention they got aggressive with her?

in other news, a year 7 british boy at a international school was abducted yesterday. it's been heartbreaking and the international community has been really shaken up by it. the boy had gotten out the car and was walking across the street at. 7.30am in the morning (so school drop off time, busy) and this black proton rolled up, two Indian guys got out and snatched him. people actually saw it happening and tried to stop it, they took photos of the rego number but it turns out its a fake one. the streets are lined with posters of his face and the parents (south African and Dutch) have given the most heart wrenching plea for help.

so at the moment, I'm feeling a little disappointed in mankind. because lets be honest, this type if thing is not limited to malaysia. it happens all around the globe.I guess that is what poverty and a live without Jesus does to people.

tonight tho, Liz, Emily and I are hitting the malls to shop for ball dresses and have a bite to eat and a few wines! just what I need to forget about the woes of the world.

Nate is in Singapore for the day, he left the morning to play footy an will be back this evening. let's hope he has a win!

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