
Thursday 12 April 2012

The Tremor

Nate went to kick the footy with Josh and I stayed at home to do Uni work. I am really behind, surprise surprise (mainly due to too much Game of Thrones, Hart of Dixie, Revenge and Chuck)... so I have been spending a few hours/days in front of my laptop.

I was sitting here, minding my own biz, and I started to feel this rocking, like I was tipsy! I stood up, thinking I may have just had too much coffee, and looked at my lamp, which was rocking. I looked at the water in my glass, which was swaying. The files on my desk - shifting.

I thought maybe the fan is on too strong! So I turned that badboy off, walked into the lounge, looked around... flowers and water in the vase were swaying, water in a bottle moving. Jeepers, how much coffee have I had!

Nate came back, I told him. Obviously he didn't believe me, and prescribed a swim to clear my head and get some fresh air! We head down to the pool. Whilst I am swimming, he is lounging checking his phone. He calls me over and shows me article about a tsunami warning for Sumatra - in the body of the article it says "tweets from Singapore and Malaysia say tremors were felt there" - BOOM! I flipping told you I was in an earthquake!

Its such a great comfort to know, that our little apartment is situated on some faulty tectonic plate connected to a shifting one in Indo and India, those places have something happen to them yearly - and now we are in the firing line! This apartment block is not made of cardboard and wood and is so not collapse-with-minimal-damage friendly.

We are moving!

1 comment:

  1. Ahh! Scary! Here's hoping there are no more tremors but yes, please move home just in case ;)
